Data and Knowledge
Research Group
We are ranked world top 20 in the area of databases (2015-2024, SIGMOD, VLDB and ICDE publications according to
The Data and Knowledge Research Group at UNSW is a world leader in database, data management, and (big) data analytics. Our research accelerates data-intensive applications, and supports insightful knowledge extraction from large-scale, complex and dynamic real-life datasets. Our investigation covers graph/network data, spatial-temporal data, relational data, multi-media data, text data, and more. Our research generates translational outcomes in e-business, finance, health, mining, cyber-security, online education and training, transportation, and biotechnology.
Research Interests
Graph Data Analytics and Management
Including data mining, data streams, distributed database systems, spatial database systems, and web databases
Multi-media Data Processing
Including image data, video data, audio data, as well as sequence data and hypertext data containing text, text markups, and linkages.
Machine learning algorithms for graph structured data and database systems, including developing graph neural network architectures and applying machine learning techniques to improve the algorithms in database domain.
Text Mining
The process of transforming unstructured text into a structured format to identify meaningful patterns and new insights
Spatial-Temporal Data Processing
Spatial keyword search, spatial-social data processing
Our Research Projects
Towards Processing of Big Streaming Temporal Graphs
Next-Generation Distributed Graph Engine for Big Graphs
Efficient Processing of Large Scale Multi-dimensional Graphs
DKR Group End of Year Lunch

Recent News
Prof. Wenjie Zhang will serve as a PC chair for ICDE 2025, to be held in Hong Kong
Congratulations Dr. Dong Wen and Dr. Xiaoyang Wang
Congratulations to Dr. Dong Wen and Dr. Xiaoyang Wang who have been promoted to Level C Senior Lecturer!
Congratulations Yiheng and Xingyu for receiving the CSIRO's Data61 full PhD scholarships
Congratulations to our MPhil students Yiheng Hu and Xingyu Tan for receiving the CSIRO's Data61 full PhD scholarships